This comprehensive
DVD course provides law enforcement officers and their
families the opportunity to review the dynamics that can
transform, within a few years, motivated law enforcement
officers into negative, cynical and angry individuals who
begin having significant difficulties in both the professional
and personal aspects of their lives.
This course deals with the issues that create
law enforcement officers that see themselves as "victims" and
begin rationalizing behavior that they previously would have
considered inappropriate. The course also deals with the
communication challenges that doom many law enforcement
relationships and marriages to failure.
Review the causes of and interventions for:
Cynicism |
Malcontentism |
Relationship Failures |
Supervision Issues |
Integrity Loss Issues |
Officer Over-Aggressiveness |
Situational Values |
Victim-Based Thinking |
Entitlement Orientation |
Loyalty vs.
Integrity |
Here's what some of the clients who have
purchased this course are saying
"I wish I had this information twenty years
ago, it might have saved me from several failed
marriages." 30 year veteran police
"This course lets me review and rethink how I
relate to my department, the public and my own
family" 10 year police veteran
Since we are both cops, as well as husband
and wife, now we understand how things can turn bad at home so
quickly after work" Husband and
Wife police officers
"I started out loving this job, then I began
hating it and counting the years until retirement, now I know
what is going on and how to correct
it" 12 year police veteran
To order by mail please print, fill out completely,
& mail our mail order form and send your
Check or Money order payable to E-S Press to the
address below (Please do not send cash)